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Living Life as a Digital Nomad

Best Lavalier Mic Kit | Gear Under $200

This post contains affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you when using affiliate links, but they do help support the site.  Audio and video equipment can get expensive fast, but that doesn't mean you have to spend a lot of money to get started. When I started recording videos for events and weddings I knew that I needed to upgrade my audio. After doing lots of research I found the solution that I have been using for over 5 years!...

How To Find Cheap Flights Anywhere | Skyscanner

One of the most frustrating parts of traveling can be trying to find the best deals and cheapest flights to your destination. If someone were to ask me on the street: "How to find cheap flights?" I would respond with one word, Skyscanner. If you are not familiar with Skyscanner, it is an online searching tool to locate flights similar to Expedia or Google Flights, but in my experience Skyscanner has the cheapest deals out of any. ...