Seeking Discovery

Living Life as a Digital Nomad

How To Start A Blog

How many times have you wondered about how to start a blog? You don’t have to be a professional writer to start your own blog and share something you love with other people. There is no time like the present and for less than a cup of coffee you can get started hosting your brand new blog with Bluehost!

Note: Assume all links on this site are affiliated 

Why Bluehost?

I personally have been using Bluehost for years to host multiple sites including and love them! They integrate very easily with WordPress and help to streamline the entire process. Even better if you aren’t comfortable building your own site, they have options to work with professional designers to build your site for you, for an additional fee of course. So what do you need to get started? Follow these simple steps below to get your very own blog started!

Click any of the images below to be taken to Bluehost to begin creating your own blog!

How to Start a Blog

get started with bluehost

Select A Plan

Depending on what your goals are there are a variety of plans you can select. If you are planning on hosting more than a single site, the best option would be the Choice Plus plan!

choose the best bluehost plan for you

Choose A Domain Name

This part can be tricky if someone else already owns the domain you want. But get create with different variations to create a unique name for your site that is easy to remember and not too long!

select a domain that you already own or create a new one

Create An Account

create an account with bluehost

Enter Payment Information

enter payment information for creating your own blog

Add Any Extras

Package extras are optional, if you are worried about privacy consider adding the domain privacy protection otherwise your personal contact information could be included in the domain owner documents available to the public.

select any package extras for your bluehost order

Finish With A Password

Always create a strong password when creating new accounts. Try not to reuse old ones. Consider combining multiple words into a long password that will be harder to guess: Puppie$L0veW@ter mix in punctuation to add a level of extra security.

Create a password for your bluehost account
Complete your account

Log In For The First Time

Log into Bluehost for the first time

Name Your Website

Add a name to your site when working in Bluehost. This will be helpful if you have multiple sites being hosted through one account.

Name your website on bluehost

Determine What Kind Of Site

Determine what kind of blog you want

Pick A Theme

Themes can always be changed later so just pick one to start and change it as you see fit.

Pick a theme for your blog
Installing WordPress on your blog

Start Building!

Start Build Your Blog

Explore Bluehost CPanel

Play around with the CPanel area in Bluehost to become familiar with the layout and what options are available there.

Bluehost CPanel

Start With WordPress Dashboard

This is where you will spend most of your time writing posts, uploading media, and creating webpages. Be sure to have fun with it!

Wordpress Dashboard

And just like that you now have your very own website and blog. Be sure to post regularly and share with your friends and family that you have created a new site! These are the people who will help you get off the ground and drive more traffic to your site. I hope you found this all very helpful and I wish you the best of luck in learning how to start a blog!

~Seeking Discovery