Seeking Discovery

Living Life as a Digital Nomad

How Much Does A School Bus Conversion Cost?

When I tell people that I bought a school bus to convert into a tiny home, one of the most common questions I get asked is: "How much does a school bus conversion cost?" If you were to look at the comment section in my TikTok you would see this questions a lot! In reality this question is much more complicated than it seems. Since each persons wants and needs are different their cost and budget will be different on their build. We are going to...

How to Buy a School Bus | Skoolie | Bus Conversion

With the digital age of social media, it gets easier and easier to see how other people choose to spend their time and how they live their life. One of the more recent popular topics has been buying a school bus and converting it into a Skoolie / Tiny Home / RV. After a lot of research I decided I wanted to buy a school bus to allow me the freedom to travel and see more places. Today I am going to be talking about how to buy a school bus! In...

How I Bought a School Bus | Skoolie Bus Conversion

2020 was a wild year for a lot of people. For me 2020 started out great working for my dream company, but when the pandemic hit I was ultimately laid off. After spending some time trying to decide what to do next, I knew I wanted to travel more. I wanted to see places I have never been to before and after doing a lot of research I decided to buy a school bus. So here is the story of how I bought a school bus! First photoshoot with the new bus!...

How To Find Cheap Flights Anywhere | Skyscanner

One of the most frustrating parts of traveling can be trying to find the best deals and cheapest flights to your destination. If someone were to ask me on the street: "How to find cheap flights?" I would respond with one word, Skyscanner. If you are not familiar with Skyscanner, it is an online searching tool to locate flights similar to Expedia or Google Flights, but in my experience Skyscanner has the cheapest deals out of any. ...