Seeking Discovery

Living Life as a Digital Nomad

Mel-bourne For This | Australia

Let me tell you a little about Melbs (Melbourne). Being the shameless nerd with exquisite taste that I am, the European-style architecture made my hour-long tram trips from Burwood into the city interesting. Some need tunes or Candy Crush to pass the time, but I’m perfectly content with seeing Federation-style houses outside my window, thank you very much. It doesn’t take much to entertain a simpleton like me. Most machines don’t sense that I have a pulse and Snapchat filters rarely read my face. Does that make me any less of a person? Maybe. But I’m convinced I’m alive nonetheless. 

Photo of one of the Melbourne trams for easy travel.
One of the beloved Melbourne trams

It’s Me, Banksy

Also, the graffiti (or rather its legal cousin: street art) on a lot of the buildings in Melbourne is phenomenal. There are even a couple pieces by the one and only Banksy! I contributed to the street art exhibition myself on Hosier Lane a couple of times by making hand cut stencils, and taking spray paint to them. It was my way of leaving my mark on a city I loved.

Kate working on some street art in Melbourne
My street art in action
Image of the finished piece of street art
The finished piece

Frankie and the Four Seasons

Second point of conversation: the weather. I’ve always thought I’d like to live somewhere with four seasons. I just didn’t think all four seasons would be in one day. Checking the weather before going out every morning is a necessary part of one’s routine, like checking Facebook or watching funny cat videos. It’s entirely possible you’ll have to throw a parka on over your sundress, so you can’t be too prepared. 

A Slanguage Lesson

Third point: Every other word in Australia is short for something. Take the following sentence for example: “Let’s go to Maccas to grab some chicky nugs.” I don’t know if that sentence means what you think it means, so let me do the honor of translating. *Ahem* “Let’s go to McDonalds to grab some chicken nuggets.” Boom. How’s that for culture? 

God Save the Queen Victoria Night Market

On the topic of food, one of my friends and my favorite activities was frequenting The Queen Victoria Night Market. Every type of food vendor you can imagine comes from all over the city to set up shop in the open-air marketplace. Food offerings include everything from Jamaican cuisine, to Filipino barbecue, to exotic burgers, to sugar cane juice made right in front of you. Below is a link to ten of the must-try foods:

Kate exploring the Queen Victoria Night Market in Melbourne
Me and My Tall Friend at the Night Market

My Claim to Fame

A staple of the summer night market is a delicious sangria, which you can sip as you stroll around and smell all the amazing food. The fall night market drink staple is an equally tasty mulled wine. In addition to street food and drinks, there are also local arts and crafts vendors, with all sorts of handmade clothing, soaps, jewelry, woodwork, gifts, and other interesting things to look at. There are also live performances scattered throughout the market, including musicians and street performers, among others.

One night, my friends and I were watching a street magician, and he began to scan the group of two hundred people looking for someone to come up on stage. I accidentally made eye contact and knew I was doomed. I’m always chosen to be an assistant for these sorts of shows. Perhaps this is because on some subconscious level, the performers know that my grandpa and dad were both amateur magicians. Anyhow, the magician called me up on stage and casually explained that I was going to pull a sword out of his throat. He said that if I moved even slightly, I would slice his throat open. Little did he know he was speaking to the girl that once passed out getting a flu shot, and a separate time, getting her eyes dilated.

Against my better judgment, I agreed to hold the sword steady after the crazy man swallowed it, after which he would back away from the weapon. My friends whooped and hollered from the sidelines, after the act went surprisingly well. When the audience clapped, to my chagrin, my inner former dancer emerged. Meaning, I promptly curtsied and walked off stage. Needless to say, it was a night to remember.

Proof of sword swallowing shenanigans

Do the Moomba

Another fabulous activity in Melbourne is the annual Moomba festival. The event takes place right in the middle of the city and features rides, skating rinks, carnival food, and sports competitions. One of our favorites to watch was the jet skiing competition down the Yarra River. If interested, here’s a link to Moomba’s website.


If you’re someone that always looks for a good vantage point when visiting a new city, Eureka Tower is the attraction for you. It stands 975 feet tall, and gives an incredible bird’s eye view of Melbourne, in all its beauty. I went to the top of the tower at sunset one night to take photos, and it was a wonderful experience. I’ve linked further information about it here.

Kate enjoying the view from the top of Eureka tower overlooking Melbourne
Call Me a Bird, Because This Was a Bird’s Eye View
The view of Melbourne durning sunset from the Eureka Tower
The View of Melbs From Eureka Tower

Carnivorous Flower Power

To wrap this post up, I have a few final recommendations for things to do while you’re in Melbourne. One is to dress up for an afternoon on the town and go to the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. I saw Pixar in concert, and thoroughly enjoyed it, being a lifelong fan of both Pixar movies, and live symphonies. My second recommendation is to visit the Royal Botanic Gardens, where you can see carnivorous flowers, and all sorts of native Australian plant life.

Conservatory at the Royal Botanic Gardens
The Royal Botanic Gardens Conservatory

Free Art Museums

The third piece of advice is to check out the National Gallery of Victoria art museum on Federation Square, and the Australian Center of the Moving Image. The latter hosts events like “The Tim Burton Exhibition” and all sorts of other interesting things for animation enthusiasts and film buffs alike. Both museums are free to visit, which is great if you’re on a budget, like this thrifty college student was!

Looking for a Laugh?

My final pro tip is to experience the annual International Melbourne Comedy Festival. It is the second largest festival of its type in the world, and hosts local stand up comedians, as well as the big names. Events vary in location and cost, so if you’re looking for a laugh with friends, it’s an excellent way to spend a night out, no matter your budget.

On that note, I’ll bid you adieu until next time. Stay safe and healthy, and keep dreaming of the day you’ll be able to travel again. I know I am!

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